Poor Egg Quality
It is a universally known fact that egg is the basis of reproduction, the building block of life. Quality of woman’s eggs determines her ability to conceive.For many of the couples, we have foundin the recent past that one of the reasons for their infertility is poor quality eggs. Poor egg quality means an egg isn’t viable enough to conceive a healthy baby. The egg quality can be regarded as poor if the number of chromosomes is not right. In such cases, a woman may come across an array of fertility and pregnancy related complications. Another reason of poor egg quality is that it may lack energy to divide and develop after fertilization.
Who can possibly encounter this kind of a medical condition? Mostly starting from women who are in their late 30’s. However genetics and health problems can also affect the egg quality. Additionally, exposure to chemotherapy, radiation therapy and smoking can cause decline of egg quality.
At Sri Vaishnavi Nursing home, we treat all types of fertility and offer the latest treatments and procedures to do so. The types of male fertility can be classifies as Oligospermia- Low Sperm Count, Azoospermia, Poor Sperm Motility, Abnormal Sperm Morphology, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation and few undefined reason.
Once a woman is diagnosed with poor egg quality, they have various treatment options open for them. The fertility specialist will start by prescribing fertility drugs to improve egg quality so that the women may conceive. In cases where fertility drugs do not work, more aggressive approach may be required. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the best option in such cases.