Repeated Miscarriages
Close to 50% of the couples are unaware of the reason for repeated miscarriages. In the case of finding the reason for miscarriage then it’s less difficult for the couple to address the issue unlike cases were the reason is not found or difficult to find. Most common causes of both single and recurrent miscarriage is Chromosomal Abnormalities, Uterine Abnormalities and Incompetent Cervixes, Immunologic Disorders, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Bacterial Infections, Lifestyle (Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs, Environmental Toxins). There is no single treatment found for this condition as there is no single reason for the miscarriages. However there are some guidelines which reduces the risk of miscarriages that will be advised by the fertility doctors.
Is there any treatment for POI ? Yes! There are various ways to sort this condition, how ever it may differ from person to person. Ovarian Hormone Replacement, Restoration of Fertility or Hormone Therapy are most preferred ways of treatment.