Poor Egg Quality
Premature ovarian failure is also known as primary ovarian insufficiency. This insufficiency is a loss of function of ovaries before 40 years of age. Generally if the ovaries fail, they don’t or can’t produce normal amount of the estrogenic hormone or release eggs regularly. This problem can be from birth or developed as early as the early teen years. One of the common results of this failure is INFERTILITY. The symptoms of primary ovarian insufficiency are quite similar to that of Menopauseeg:Irregular menstrual cycle, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Vaginal Dryness, etc.
Is there any treatment for POI ? Yes! There are various ways to sort this condition, how ever it may differ from person to person. Ovarian Hormone Replacement, Restoration of Fertility or Hormone Therapy are most preferred ways of treatment.